Wireless Headset vs a Cordless Phone

Wireless Headset vs a Cordless Phone.

The technology and hardware we use to communicate with customers, clients, and fellow employees are an important element of a company, but choosing from the wide array of phones and headsets can be intimidating. We live in an era where a company can choose from dozens of types of communication hardware, including wireless headsets and cordless phones, but which is best for your business?

To better understand which communication hardware is the best fit for your company, we’ve assembled the pros and cons of both a cordless phone and wireless headsets. Read each section and discover which would work best for your business. 

Pros and Cons of a Cordless Phone

To better understand if a cordless phone is the best option for your company, read the advantages and disadvantages of integrating them into your office below.

Pros of Cordless Phones

  • No Tether: a wired phone chains a person to their desk, often having to choose between putting someone on hold or doing something that would benefit the conversation or multitasking. Efficiency is paramount to productivity and in this day and age, having to do something away from where the phone is should have no bearing on continuing conversation.
  • Sound Quality: Some may wonder, why not just use a cell phone rather than a cordless one? The sound quality is much better. Keeping the sound quality of a conversation top-notch is important to not only communicate well but show professionalism to customers and clients.
  • Functionality: Cordless business phones have an impressive set of features, from phone-to-phone intercom to three-way conferencing, and caller ID. These features make much of the day-to-day easier for both employees and management. 

Cons of Cordless Phones

  • More Expensive: hardware that has more technology tends to be more expensive and cordless business phones are no exception. 
  • Reliability: many cordless business phones operate on the same frequency as things like baby monitors and car alarms, which can cause significant interference. This is not only unprofessional but can derail important phone calls.
  • Easier to Lose: for the number of times we’ve all misplaced our mobile phones, consider how that can harm daily work when the cordless phone goes missing or hasn’t been recharged. One more thing to keep track of isn’t always the best idea in the office. 

Pros and Cons of Wireless Headsets

To better understand if wireless headsets are the best option for your company, read the advantages and disadvantages of integrating them into your office below.

  • Functionality: wireless headsets are a multipoint technology that has many features, such as connecting multiple headphones to one device simultaneously and easy integration between platforms, enabling you to switch between them much easier. Rather than only a communication device, a wireless headset enables greater communication by utilizing different devices and their features. 
  • Convenience: like cordless business phones, a wireless headset enables people to move away from the desk, but also not have to worry about holding the phone. Both hands are at your disposal and can type, move things around, grab what you need, etc.
  • Range: A cordless business phone can certainly provide you with more space to roam, but not as much as a wireless headset. Your mobility is increased substantially without worry about the call dropping or interference from other devices. 

Cons of Wireless Headsets

  • Battery Life: wireless headsets have batteries that can last for 40 hours straight, but they still require between 5 to 8 hours of charging. A missed charging can upset the workday a great deal if there aren’t enough spares to go around.
  • The Weight: while cordless business phones require you to hold them, they are much lighter than wearing a wireless headset throughout the workday. Due to their batteries, they are much heavier on the head and can quickly become uncomfortable.
  • Pairing: A Bluetooth device needs to pair and that can be a massive annoyance, not only does it disrupt the workday and wastes time but it can also drive someone to return to a wired headset or phone. 

Move Ahead with Quality Phone Technology

The most important thing to remember when debating wireless headsets vs. cordless phones is which works best for your environment. For example, desk phones with a wireless headset that can answer and hang up calls remotely are more functional near the desk as they typically have a max range of 350 ft (Bluetooth being less), whereas a cordless phone is limited by the wifi network.

So, what kind of connectivity do you need? If you stay closer to a desk but don’t want to be tethered to it via a wire then a wireless headset may be ideal. If, on the other hand, you’re frequently away from the desk but need to maintain a strong connection, a cordless phone would be a better solution. We encourage you to head over to HeadsetAdvisors.com and see which wireless headsets or cordless phones suit your company’s needs. Find the right solution for your people now that you know the advantages and disadvantages of each. 

We at F2F Telecommunications are committed to helping small to mid-sized businesses gain the technology they need without enterprise prices, advising on the right equipment for them to compete without overburdening their budget. Discover our selection of business phones and services below.

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